Neighbours at Nichols Nymet

Created by PAUL 2 years ago

As neighbours of Maureen's we often used to walk the short distance along the bridleway to Westacott with the beautiful views of Dartmoor along the way, and on our first walk, way back in 1997 we were greeted by a large flock of geese, with Maureen and Husband close by. Maureen would later kindly allow us to run our dogs in her fields and was generous and supportive to us at Nichols Nymet House, often attending our musical evenings.

She was a redoubtable force in the locality and campaigned vigorously for causes we all held dear. Maureen was a great one to have on your side!

We missed seeing her in her garden and grounds when she moved to Exeter some years ago, but we will always remember the geese!

Paul & Muriel Goodman